Contact us
If you wish to contact anyone on this list other than the administrator then please complete the contact form below and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Church Office:
St. John the Baptist Church, Melbourn St, Royston. SG8 9LG
Tel: 07935 774633
The administrator works Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9am to 1pm (but may not be in the church office at those times)
Revd Dr Steven Sivyer – Vicar
Revd John Fidler – Assistant Priest
Revd Jim Dalgleish – Ordained Minister
Canon Reg Bailey
Emma Sivyer
Church Adminstrator
Joanne Wallis,
Tel: 07935 774633
The adminstrator works Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9am to 1pm
Church Wardens
Judy Rogers
Vaughan West
Magazine – please email any comments, articles, interesting information, photos, etc. for the magazine to the email address below and we’ll try to include it.
The Editor, email:
Website Eduardo Andrade ,