Royston Parish Church

Sunday 9th  February 2025

4th Sunday before Lent

The diocese’s Living God’s Love Prayer
Living God,  draw us deeper into your love;
Jesus our Lord, send us to care and serve;
Holy Spirit, make us heralds of good news.
Stir us, strengthen us, teach and inspire us
To live your love with generosity and joy,
Imagination and courage; for the sake of
your world and in the name of Jesus,  Amen.

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Sunday 9th  February              

9 am                       Said Communion Service

10.30 am               Sung Communion Service with Church Choir, Children’s Church, followed by refreshments and The Treble Makers

3.30 pm                 Tea Time Praise

Tuesday 11th   

9 am                       Morning Prayer

10.30 am                Visit by Studlands School

Wednesday 12th  

11 am                      Said Communion Service followed by refreshments

1 pm                       Knit and Natter meeting

7 pm                       Choir Practice

8 pm                       Deanery Synod

Thursday 13th  

9 - 11 am                 Tots in Church

Friday 14th

12 pm                     Funeral of Bob Green at Cam Valley followed by a reception at The Old Bull, Royston

Saturday 15th   

10 – 11.30 am        Church Café



Sunday 16th  February            

9 am                       Said Communion Service

10.30 am               Sung Communion Service with Church Choir, Children’s Church, followed by refreshments and The Treble Makers



Thursday 27th February 7.30pm   Julian Prayer meeting at 11 Middle Drift. 

Friday March 7th 2 pm                     World Day of Prayer will be held at the Catholic Church. This year it’s organised by the Cook Islands. ALL WELCOME


We pray for all Christians worldwide:

For all Christians in Andorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City

For all who are worship at Royston Evangelical Church & Food Bank: 

Pastor Jonathan Scott

For the work of our mission partners: Mercy Ships


We pray for the community of Royston:

For our local health centres

For all who volunteer and make use of Royston Community Transport


We pray for our world and ECO projects:

We give thanks as flowers from spring bulbs start to appear, and crops for summer harvest grow in our local fields.


We pray for the sick and suffering:

2nd February

9th February

16th February

23rd February


Paul & Pat Tidey

Forest Pike


Richard Moss

Phoebe Strom

Peter Coates

John Hutchins

Jamie Covington

Lynn Fricker

Jan McElney

Kathy George

Jackson Herbert

Lee Cockerill

Betty Gladstone

Cyrine and family

Jean Coslett

Linda Dwight

Val Brown


Rowena Godfrey

Margaret & John Coates

Angi and Ken Rushall

 Emma and Phil Heath

Peter Rice

Pamela Page

Carol Emms



We pray for those who have died in the faith of Christ:



Bob Green

Margaret, family and friends


We pray for those whose anniversaries fall at this time:

09 February

Austen McMurrough



ASH WEDNESDAY 5TH MARCH 11 am and 8 pm. In preparation for these 2 services, can you please start to bring in your old Palm crosses ready for the creation of the ash?

A basket will be left at the back of Church. Thank you

SCHOLA CANTORUM: Alex’s choir is performing Miserere, an evening of sublime choral music in Church on Friday 14th March 7.30 pm. Tickets from Eventbrite: Please see poster at the back of church for details on booking tickets via the QR code.


LENT LUNCHES: We will need some helpers to put out the tables and chairs for the Lent lunch on March 26th at 11 am for 12 noon, and to put away at 2 pm. Please speak to Kay if you are able to help. Thank you

ELECTORAL ROLL:  Every six years, churches have to start their electoral roll again, meaning that, even if your name was on the electoral roll before, you have to apply again to be included on it again.  We have worked to make this as easy as possible with numerous ways of being able to complete this.  Also, we have moved to a secure system of holding your contact details, but we cannot use the information you give us whilst applying to be included on the electoral roll to contact you, so we are asking you to complete a second form so that we can connect with you.  Later this year we shall delete any details that we currently have for people who have not consented for us to have through completing this form.


The 2025 Lent Course is a 6-week Carbon Literacy® course to learn about climate change, carbon footprints and how we can all do our bit to reduce them.  The course dates are Friday March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th,, April 4th & 11th and it takes place from 1:30-3:30pm in church. At the end of the course, it is hoped that all participants will make two pledges for relevant actions they will take to reduce their carbon footprint.  The course will cost £15 to cover refreshments, all course materials and the cost of applying to receive a certificate. Please speak to Steven if the fee is a barrier to participation in the course.

To book your place, go to                                                 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Having been the Bishop of St Albans for sixteen years and turning sixty-eight next month, the Rt Revd Alan Smith is retiring as our Diocesan Bishop on 31st May.  There will be opportunities to show our appreciation of Bishop Alan in due course, but let us include him and our diocese in our prayers as he and we enter this period of change.