ROYSTON PARISH CHURCH                      

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL (PCC)                                 



Synopsis  of the meeting of the PCC held in Royston Parish Church,

Monday  25 November 2024  


There were 15 members present and 3 members of the church’s leadership team, 18 in total, there were 5 apologies.


The meeting opened with prayer in the form of the hymn “Speak, O Lord, as we come to you”.


The first item which formed the main part of the meeting was the consideration of the new Prayers of Love & Faith which are prayers available to be used in churches  acknowledging all that is good, holy and faithful in same-sex relationships.

A pastoral letter had been sent to church members asking for their views, these had now been received and studied by the clergy and leadership team. A lengthy discussion followed, it is clear that the church has diverse views amongst its members which was welcomed. The following proposal was adopted:


In light of the national Church of England guidance regarding the Prayers of Love and Faith and from the congregation’s responses, the PCC has passed the following resolution:

The PCC and the incumbent, the Revd Dr Steven Sivyer, authorises the prayers and forms of services that are offered by the Prayers of Love and Faith,.  The PCC and the incumbent also resolve to opt into the provision of standalone services should they become authorised for use within the Church of England.  However, should Prayers of Love and Faith be used within a regular service, then this will only take place after the inclusion of the prayers have been clearly advertised.  




The next item was Safeguarding, reference was made to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s resignation but otherwise there was noting to report.




The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and under  matters arising the PCC were notified that the fire awareness meeting had taken place  and there was an additional volunteer to be added added to the list of sides-people  which was agreed.






1)      The Parish Share for 2025 would be just under £84,000, which represented an increase of 4%.

2)      Although increase of employers’ NI contributions had been in the news, we were not affected, because we are regarded as a “small employer”.

3)      A volunteer has  kindly agreed to lead on the church’s grant applications in future. The PCC expressed their gratitude for this.





The PCC has pleased to hear that CCTV was in good order. A quotation had been received of £8.5k for cleaning the church floor. The PCC agreed to postpone decision for a future occasion.

The insurance claim relating to the unauthorised removal of the safes is on going but is in hand.


The stone masons were currently working on the tower.


Consideration is being given to putting the room above the vestry back into use, advice on fire safety etc. is needed first.






Possible activities marking the anniversary of the King James Bible next year were briefly discussed.

The serving of alcohol at church social functions was considered, it was decided not to make any changes at the present.


It was noted that the quiz will be held on 8th February 2025.


More volunteers with an interest in environmental matters are needed to assist with next year’s Lent course.


10. Prince Andrew’s Close 


Matters affecting the tenancy of the house in Prince Andrews Close were discussed.


11.Review of Fees



Various fees relating to weddings (eg organist and choir fees) were considered and some were increased.


12.Review of Pay


The rates of pay of certain lay employees of the church were considered.






Meeting closed with Grace at 10.25pm.